Commissioners Court

The commissioners court is the governing body of the county. The Texas Constitution specifies that the courts consist of a county judge and four county commissioners elected by the qualified voters of individual commissioners precincts. The county judge is the presiding officer of the county commissioners court. The court has the authority to divide the county into four individual commissioners’ precincts. The court shall exercise powers over county business as provided by law (Tex. Const. Art. V, Sec. 18).

Excerpted from "Guide to Texas Laws for County Officials," from Texas Association of Counties.

Regular meetings of the Brewster County Commissioners Court are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month, in the Commissioners Courtroom, Brewster County Courthouse Annex, 201 West Avenue E, Alpine, TX 79830. Regular meetings begin at 9:30 AM Central Time and are also broadcast live on our YouTube Channel .

Greg P. Henington, Brewster County Judge
P.O. Box 1630
Alpine, Texas, 79831
Phone: 432-837-2412
Jim Westermann, Commissioner, Precinct 1 
P.O. Box 1630
Alpine, Texas, 79831
Phone: 432-294-0065
Sara Allen Colando, Commissioner Precinct 2
Sara Allen Colando, Commissioner, Precinct 2
P.O. Box 226
Terlingua, Texas 79852
Phone: (432) 244-7656
Ruben Ortega, Commissioner, Precinct 3
P.O. Box 338
Marathon, Texas 79842
Phone: 432-294-1096
Mo Morrow, Commissioner, Precinct 4
P.O. Box 1630
Alpine, Texas 79831
Phone : 432-294-3688

Precinct Maps

Map of Brewster County Commissioner Precincts