County Clerk The County Clerk serves as clerk and custodian of records for the Commissioners Court, Constitutional County Court and Statutory County Courts. It's the Clerk's responsibility to act as a recorder and custodian of important public records, including all bonds, deeds, birth and death certificates, assumed names and livestock brands, ensuring that records are maintained in a secure, archival manner. The County Clerk also issues marriage licenses.

We will be closed 
Probate Academy - Wednesday - Friday, May 7-9, 2025

Sarah Vasquez, Brewster County Clerk

Office: 432-837-3366
Fax: 432-837-6217

Mailing Address:
Brewster County Clerk’s Office
P.O. Drawer 119
Alpine, Texas 79831
Physical Address:
Brewster County Courthouse Annex
201 West Ave E.
Alpine, Texas 79830


Renee WylieChief Deputy Clerk

Katrina Munoz, Deputy Clerk

For your convenience, links are available for pricing and applications for birth/death certificate, and online searches. All major credit cards are accepted as a form of payment. *Visa, Mastercard, Discover, & American Express*** A Fee for this service will be charged to you credit card and paid directly to Certified Payments.
Land Records Index Book search and purchase from 1877 to 1998:

**Please call the office at 432-837-3366 to purchase the documents associated with these Index Books.**

The Texas Legislature recently amended the Property Code to provide a streamlined procedure for addressing discriminatory provisions in real property records. Although state law already declared restrictions and provisions in real property records that prohibit the use, sale or transfer of real property to a person based on race, color, religion, or national origin to be void and unenforceable, Senate Bill 30, which took effect on September 1, 2021, establishes a  process for a property owner, or another person that the owner authorizes, to request a judicial  review of specific property records to  determine whether they contain prohibited discriminatory provisions.

The bill sets out the contents of the documents required to be submitted to the court as well as a suggested format for the court’s findings and order. Under certain circumstances, the court may issue its determination without conducting a hearing. No filing fees may be charged under the statute.

To view the language of the bill and the format for filing with the court as well as the format for the court’s findings and order, use the link: 87(R) SB 30 – Enrolled version (